1841-01-01 |
health & performance |
Discovery of relationship between starlight and chemical composition – the foundations for chemical spectroscopy |
Joseph von Fraunhofer |
1856-01-01 |
health & performance |
Michael Faraday, confirmed mathematically by James Clark Maxwell. Discovery that electromagnetic waves and light are related |
James Clark Maxwell |
1905-12-31 |
health & performance |
Opening door to understanding of the unity of chemistry and biology in the context of all of nature through electromagnetic fields or photons. This is through five publications in his “annus mirabilis” |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annus_mirabilis_papers |
Albert Einstein |
1919-01-01 |
health & performance |
Publication of Manhood of Humanity and the concept of “time-binding” of knowledge by humans |
Alfred Korzybski of Łódź/Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland. |
1931-01-01 |
health & performance |
Discovery of relationships between cellular respiration and cancer incidence (the “Warburg Effect”), a seminal, Nobel Prize-winning insight with respect to cancer and conditions underlying its existence |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warburg_effect |
Dr. Otto Warburg |
1935-05-01 |
health & performance |
Introduction of first commercial pH meter into the market, leading to eventual introduction of DU spectrophotometers and helipot potentiometers for biological analysis and ultra-high throughput clinical laboratories that allow for efficient, inexpensive health information gathering for the public at large |
https://www.beckmancoulter.com/wsrportal/wsr/company/about-us/our-history/arnold-o-beckman/index.htm |
Dr. Arnold Beckman |
1936-07-01 |
leveraging human knowledge |
Church-Turing thesis independently published in “An Unsolvable Problem of Elementary Numbers Theory” and “Solvable and Unsolvable Problems”, identifying recursion as an important element in computation |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church-Turing_thesis |
Alonzo Church and Alan Turing |
1948-02-01 |
health & performance |
Discovery of the “Coulter Principle” for blood cell analysis and particle sizing. 95% of blood cell counters stem from this work, which led to worldwide, automated hematology (blood) analysis in high volume and low cost |
http://www.cyto.purdue.edu/cdroms/cyto2/6/coulter/ss000041.htm |
Wallace and Joe Coulter |
1950-01-01 |
leveraging human knowledge |
Several papers and radio lectures promoting what was called “connectionist-style neural simulation” by means of the “imitation game” or “Turing test”. He encourages the development of computer-based gaming, including chess |
https://amazon.com/dp/0198250800 |
Alan Turing |
1955-01-01 |
health & performance |
Effective use of pretesting techniques for early-stage identification of potential disease conditions among the populace |
Several centrally-planned regimes |
1956-06-18 |
leveraging human knowledge |
Dartmouth Workshop on “thinking machines”, where the term “artificial Intelligence” was coined; emphasis on artificial cognition rather than supporting and extending human cognition |
https//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dartmouth_workshop |
John McCarthy and about a dozen others |
1971-05-01 |
health & performance |
Founding of HyClone Laboratories in Logan, Utah, USA to provide dependable media from fetal bovine serum for cell culture growth; resigns position as head of biology department of local state/research university as the company grows |
https://www.cytivalifesciences.com/en/us/about-us/our-brands/hyclone |
Dr. Rex Spendlove |
1976-07-02 |
health & performance |
Commitment to engage in comprehensive, systematic analysis of mobility and strength to help both clinical/impaired “patients” and high performance “clients” |
Larry Farnes |
1981-01-01 |
health & performance |
Recognize need for more comprehensive, early-stage testing technologies in order to evaluate complex metabolic and pathological conditions within the body |
Dr. Rex Spendlove |
1981-06-01 |
health & performance |
Publication of “The Causes of Cancer” clarifying lifestyle and environment as major risk factors for cancer. This resulted in efforts to address tobacco use, but less so with regard to other documented cancer sources |
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7017215 |
Oxford U Press for U.S. Congress |
1987-12-01 |
health & performance |
Initiation of municipal government-sponsored study on firefighters to analyze data and establish testing protocols for mobility and strength to reduce injury and disability and associated occupational and living costs |
Larry Farnes |
1989-01-01 |
health & performance |
Creation of software and 3-D sensor solutions for precise measurement of personal mobility and strength factors within the PQ system, ultimately comprised of over 150 such measures |
Larry Farnes |
1997-06-01 |
health & performance |
Acquisition of Coulter Corporation, bringing automated capacity together for 75% of commonly used tests for clinical diagnosis in high volume and low per-test cost |
Beckman Corporation |
1997-11-01 |
health & performance |
Formulation of the Performance Quotient (PQ) and Optimum Performance Living (OPL) care models, both data-driven approaches to mobility, good health, and high levels of personal functionality and performance |
Larry Farnes |
2002-01-01 |
leveraging human knowledge |
Progress in the development of AI games, attempting to simulate “complex, dynamic environments with many of the properties of the world we inhabit”. As mentioned, “Unfortunately, development of realistic virtual environments is an expensive and time-consuming enterprise onto itself and requires expertise in many areas far afield from artificial intelligence”. |
https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/502269.502290 |
John Laird, University of Michigan |
2002-06-01 |
health & performance |
Rejection of Dr. Spendlove's array of twenty early detection tumor markers with little concern for the possibilities for pre-cancerous identification and elimination of problem conditions before high-risk tumors form |
Medical and testing colleagues |
2003-06-01 |
leveraging human knowledge |
High Performance Knowledge Base to Rapid Knowledge Formation Program- Rejection of expert-designed digital tools and networked processes |
http://en-wikipedia.org/wiki/High-Performance_Knowledge_Bases |
DARPA leadership vs Dr. Kenneth Tingey |
2005-01-01 |
health & performance |
Creation of software and 3-D sensor solutions for precise measurement of personal mobility and strength factors within the PQ system, ultimately comprised of over 150 such measures |
https://www.amazon.com/dp/1497398495/ |
Larry Farnes |
2006-01-01 |
health & performance |
Filing for patent (US7074168 B1) based on use of PQ measures for golf performance |
https://www.google.com/patents/US7074168?dq=larry+farnes+golf&hl=en&sa=X&ei=npliU8CMNOnOyQHs6oH4BA&sqi=2&pjf=1&ved=0CDUQ6AEwAA |
Larry Farnes |
2006-01-01 |
health & performance |
Publication of “Mortality, Biochemistry, Diet, and Lifestyle in Rural China” documenting hundreds of detailed relationships between lifestyle, environmental factors, and chronic diseases |
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2652922/ |
Oxford U Press |
2007-06-01 |
health & performance |
First PQ firefighter occupational study, demonstrating significant occupational health benefits from measuring and evaluating individual motions and capacities |
https://www.amazon.com/dp/1495415392 |
Larry Farnes |
2008-01-01 |
health & performance |
Second PQ firefighter occupational study, where “New Performance Reality” concept was an finding; this demonstrated that with improved health and capacity, individuals developed higher, more optimistic expectations of their capacity to move about and enjoy increased mobility and physical activity |
Larry Farnes |
2008-06-01 |
health & performance |
Development of PQ approach to international football and basketball, extending the OPL model to functional and competitive levels |
Larry Farnes |
2009-01-01 |
health & performance |
General recognition of both metabolic and genetic sources of cancer and other chronic diseases as opposed to beliefs that genetics alone matters; this provides more support for the need for ongoing “protein” testing for many metabolic and signaling conditions, mostly available through blood testing |
http://amzn.com/dp1441927387 |
Singh & Costello |
2009-12-26 |
health & performance |
Seeking Truth from Facts and Dual Control with Chinese Introduction |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/truth-facts-chinese.pdf |
Kenneth Tingey, PhD |
2009-12-31 |
health & performance |
Database and measures outlining many clinical successes, a seedbed for additional findings in mobility, strength, and optimum performance using PQ measures and appropriate, knowledge-driven therapies |
Dr. Larry Farnes |
2010-01-01 |
health & performance |
Adaption of Spendlove technologies for high accuracy and efficiency, including both process features and information processing/interpretive capabilities |
http://www.quansysbio.com |
Spendlove Medical Research Institute and Quansys Biosciences |
2010-04-08 |
health & performance |
Universal Design of Clinical and Translational Science for Improved Human Service Outcomes |
KennethTingey, PhD, Madan Kundu, PdD |
2010-04-06 |
health & performance |
Resolving Human Service Delivery on a National Scale |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/ResolvingHSDelivery-NatScale-009.pdf |
Kenneth Tingey |
2011-03-03 |
health & performance |
The Process Century, Fluidity, and “El Sistema” |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/fluidity-dudamel.pdf |
Kenneth Tingey, PhD |
2011-04-15 |
health & performance |
Ruminating Over Numbers: Forestalling Death and Overcoming Pain. The key to our future is to be well and to stay well. What stands in our way? Death and pain |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/health_4.0-plans.pdf |
2020 Global Health Team |
2011-06-01 |
health & performance |
Publication of “Precision Medicine: Building a Knowledge Network for Biomedical Research and New Taxonomy of Disease” acknowledging need for molecular-driven approach to chronic disease that incorporates both expert-driven processes and comprehensive data stores, but lacking a “root cause” mandate |
http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=13284 |
U.S. National Research Council |
2011-09-09 |
health & performance |
White Paper: Fluidity as Key to Universal Coverage: Knowledge-Driven Universal Coverage in Healthcare and Medicine for Global Public Health Group |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/wp-knowledge_driven_universal_coverage-health4.0.pdf |
Kenneth Tingey |
2011-09-21 |
health & performance |
Healthy Muscles and Joints: Looking Beyond the Obvious. Farnes Policy Brief: An approach to muscle and joint care by physical therapist Dr. Larry Farnes is based on analysis of approximately 150 measures of movement, flexibility, and strength. |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/Farnes-Policy_Brief-14.pdf |
Larry Farnes PT |
2011-10-01 |
health & performance |
Turn-down by major U.S. insurance company of possibilities for “hundreds of millions of dollars in savings” from comprehensive measurement and evaluation of mobility and strength as presented by Larry Farnes, with no effort at investigation or validation |
Major U.S. insurance company |
2011-12-23 |
health & performance |
Fluidity as it Applies to Health & Medicine: The prudent use of data in support of good health, featuring JiffyLube |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/h40-fluidity_medical_model-v1.pdf |
2020 Global Health Team |
2012-02-01 |
health & performance |
Rejection of concept of “looking beyond the obvious” in mobility and strength through obtaining and evaluating multiple measures, as documented by Larry Farnes with the PQ approach; evaluative capacity was found to be highly desirable, but there was no interest in taking the underlying measures |
Physicians, provider groups, and researchers |
2012-02-02 |
health & performance |
Knowledge-Driven Universal Coverage: The Trees of Health |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/h40_univ_coverage-v26.pdf |
2020 Global Health Team |
2012-05-11 |
health & performance |
Health 4.0 Production Architecture. Structure and function of health fluidity system tagged for information processing layers |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/production_architecture-003.pdf |
2020 Global Health Team |
2012-05-12 |
health & performance |
Knowledge-Driven Universal Coverage: Advantages, Uniqueness, Attractiveness |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/h40_advantage-unique-attractive-v5.pdf |
2020 Global Health Team |
2012-09-18 |
health & performance |
High Volume Testing and Service Center Financial Proposal for Major Urban Areas in the Developing World Public Health Early Detection, Screening,and Avoidance of Chronic Diseases |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/center-finance-plan-003.pdf |
2020 Global Health Team |
2012-10-17 |
health & performance |
Self-Regulating Health Services Purchasing Model: Integrated National Health System
Based on experience, the comprehensive approach for building the payment system is a key aspect of its successful national health payment implementation. All elements (in-patient payment module, outpatient specialist module; primary care payment module etc.) should fit together. If not, there is a high likelihood of loosing time, money and the people’s trust. |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/Integrated_National_System_Policy_Brief-01.pdf |
2020 Global Health Team |
2013-07-16 |
health & performance |
Prosperity, Piece by Piece. Knowledge-Driven Universal Coverage & Global Health Priorities: A Commentary on the World Bank Universal Health Coverage (UNICO) Publications |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/wb-prosperity-piece-by-piece-17.pdf |
2020 Global Health Team |
2013-10-01 |
health & performance |
Presentation to: World Health Organization, Noncommunicable Diseases & Mental Health (NMS) Cluster in Geneva, Switzerland (1) Presentation of the book “2020 Program for Global Health”, (2) Scientific groundings for knowledge-driven universal coverage, and (3) Features of knowledge-driven universal coverage (KDUC): If an answer to your health condition exists in the world within the public domain, an answer informed by good practice and existing science, universal coverage means that each person has a right to that information. |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/who-nmh-oct-presentation-01.pdf |
2020 Global Health Team |
2013-11-08 |
health & performance |
2020 Program for Global Health: Knowledge-driven universal coverage in this decade |
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1492827835 |
Kenneth Tingey PhD, Miroslaw Manicki MD, Larry Farnes PT |
2013-11-19 |
health & performance |
Earning the Trust of the People Through Effective Health Systems. Supporting good health is a key governance role. Success in this key area, by its very nature, signals that a government cares for its people. The axiomatic nature of such a point merits attention. In effective support for good health, a government is caring for its people. |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/eu-2020-gov-health-systems-07.pdf |
Kenneth Tingey and Miroslaw Manicki |
2013-11-30 |
health & performance |
Letter to Dr. Jim Yong Kim, President, World Bank Group |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/kim-solution-opportunity-04.pdf |
2020 Global Health Team |
2013-12-01 |
health & performance |
Radio Shack and OPL Retail. Proposal for partnership in the turnaround of Radio Shack, leveraging both the strong historical position of that company and the strong prospects for Optimum Performance Living (OPL) as outlined in the 2020 Program for Global Health. This is an example of prospects for new era for consumer markets and retail, imposing permanent solutions where there are widely used, but are partial and not sustainable. |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/idea-for-new-brand-08.pdf |
2020 Global Health Team |
2014-01-09 |
health & performance |
Dual Control or Certain Derailment. Dual control is not simply important to effective health policy and fiscal control, it is essential. |
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1494858843 |
Miroslaw Manicki, Kenneth Tingey, Larry Farnes, Dejan Ostojic |
2014-02-19 |
health & performance |
Optimum Performance Living: We Can Have It If We Want It |
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1495415392/ |
Larry Farnes PT, Miroslaw Manicki MD, Steve Lee MPharm, Rex Spendlove PhD, Dejan Ostojic DHM, Kenneth Tingey PhD |
2014-02-25 |
health & performance |
center.rising: Poland Saves the Day: Poland has participated in the “sturm und drang” of being in the center of it all, sometimes as a participant and leader, often as victim. Poland has learned to adapt and to lead, to exploit nuances, and to survive. |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/center.rising-04.pdf |
2020 Global Health Team |
2014-06-26 |
health & performance |
Bringing Optimum Performance Living Within Reach |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/crowdfund-17.pdf |
2020 Global Health Team |
2014-07-11 |
health & performance |
Understanding the Causes of the Health Crisis and Applying the Solution: All aspects of the health crisis with emphasis on neuro-musculo-skeletal disease burden issues |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/20140711-Understanding-the-Cause-for-the-Health-Care-Crisis_vMM.pdf |
Larry Farnes, DPT |
2014-07-30 |
health & performance |
Profundities LLC as IT partner: Unique nature of technology in support of organizational legitimacy, dual control, and fluidity |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/why-profundities-02.pdf |
Profundities LLC |
2014-08-01 |
health & performance |
OPL Expozone: From exposure zone, from Exposome/Precision Medicine literature: Software, Hardware, Sensors, and Devices for Homes, Businesses, and Public Places |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/opl-expozone-01.pdf |
Profundities LLC |
2014-08-14 |
health & performance |
Deep Context: The key to knowledge-driven universal coverage: Basics of the 2020 Program for Global Health as of that time. This includes visual examples of a hub-and-spoke structure, emphasizing data from the China Studies as applied in Southeast Europe. |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/Deep_context_2020globalhealth-06.pdf |
2020 Global Health Team |
2014-10-07 |
health & performance |
System Grounded in Nature, Smart System.
Shorter of two comprehensive presentations on nature of the 2020 Program and related improvements |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/eu-short-presentation-13.pdf |
2020 Global Health Team |
2015-01-25 |
health & performance |
CIMH/2020 Program Contacts at the World Bank and WHO. In 2013 and 2014 |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/wb-contacts-2013-2014-01.pdf |
2020 Global Health Team |
2015-01-25 |
health & performance |
Findings from the Various China Epidemiological Studies. Resolving the Three Challenges of Effective Health and Medical Policy |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/cs-introductory-document-28.pdf |
CIMH Science Team |
2015-03-01 |
health & performance |
Using context to achieve WHO/EU health objectives |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/10-paragraphs-03.pdf |
Kenneth Tingey, PhD |
2015-03-16 |
health & performance |
System Grounded in Nature, Smart System. Longer of two comprehensive presentations on nature of the 2020 Program and related improvements |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/eu-short-presentation-ii-16.pdf |
Kenneth Tingey, Chairman, Spendlove Medical Research Institute |
2015-04-01 |
health & performance |
Completion of doctoral program in physical therapy at Ithaca College in Ithaca, NY |
Larry Farnes |
2015-10-17 |
health & performance |
Prospects for Polish/EU Collaboration with China and the United States |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/alliance-10.pdf |
CIMH Global, 2020 Program for Global Health, Spendlove Medical Research Institute, Profundities LLC |
2015-11-01 |
health & performance |
Good Governance and the Silk Road. 2020 Program Benefits to China, Poland, and the United States |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/4-Good-Governance-Alliance-Silk-Road.pdf |
Kenneth Tingey and Miroslaw Manicki |
2015-11-01 |
health & performance |
Provider Payments Draft Business Plan Summary – 2016-2020 |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/pp-10.pdf |
2020 Global Health Team |
2015-12-01 |
health & performance |
Opportunities in Finance and Governance. Beijing, China |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/china-dec-2015-09.pdf |
2020 Global Health Team |
2015-12-02 |
health & performance |
2020 Program for Global Health. The Force to be Reckoned With |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/2020-ftbw-24.pdf |
2020 Global Health Team |
2015-12-15 |
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Projects that apply to the 2020 Program and to Finance 4.0 |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/finance-items-04.pdf |
Medical and testing colleagues |
2016-01-05 |
health & performance |
Leveraging proven testing technology that has been held back from the world market. This technology has not even been available for use during the Covid-19 pandemic. |
Confidential. Available upon request to appropriate parties [proven-testing-technology] |
2016-01-18 |
health & performance |
OPL and Social Services on the Go. Bridging Governance Gaps in Asia, The Middle East, and Europe |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/tot-presentation-11.pdf |
Kenneth Tingey and Miroslaw Manicki |
2016-01-29 |
health & performance |
Establishing the Triangle of Trust. Bridging Governance and Prosperity Gaps in Asia, The Middle East, and Europe |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/tot-turkey-12.pdf |
Kenneth Tingey and Miroslaw Manicki |
2016-02-08 |
health & performance |
Good Governance To the Rescue. Using Dual Control To Meet the Needs of the People |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/GoodGovernancetotheRescue.pdf |
Kenneth Tingey and Miroslaw Manicki |
2016-03-04 |
health & performance |
Dissenting Views from A Hut Near Piotrków Trybunalski Doing Something About Governance* |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/hut-02.pdf |
Miroslaw Manicki, Kenneth Tingey |
2016-03-25 |
health & performance |
Arriving at a Beijing-Warsaw-Ankara Consensus
Leadership In Global Finance and Governance, Parts I, II, and III |
Kenneth Tingey and Miroslaw Manicki |
2016-04-19 |
health & performance |
Comprehensive/Integrated Medicine & Health Corporation. Country Examples |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/cimh-country-template-09.pdf |
2020 Global Health Team |
2016-04-19 |
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CIMH Global Comprehensive/Integrated Medicine & Health Corporation. Venue and form of organization to be determined |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/cimh-global-54.pdf |
2020 Global Health Team |
2016-04-20 |
health & performance |
Building the Triangle of Trust |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/bwa-continuation-tot-02.pdf |
Kenneth Tingey and Miroslaw Manicki |
2016-05-18 |
health & performance |
Arriving at a Beijing-Warsaw-Abu Dhabi Consensus.
Leadership In Global Finance and Governance, Parts I, II, and III
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/bwa-finance-analysis-90.pdf |
Kenneth Tingey and Miroslaw Manicki |
2016-06-11 |
health & performance |
Fluidity as it Applies to Health, Medicine, and a New Performance Reality. The prudent use of data in support of good health [update of “Jiffylube” article] |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/h40-fluidity_medical_model-v3-03.pdf |
2020 Global Health Team |
2016-06-16 |
health & performance |
2020 Program Policy Brief. 2020 Program for Global Health: Knowledge-Driven Universal Coverage From the “Triangle of Trust” to the World |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/2020_Policy_Brief-08.pdf |
2020 Global Health Team |
2016-07-03 |
health & performance |
Cycles of Life: Groundings for Human Affairs
Consideration of a nested approach to cycles, from natural/physical cycles to social and economic cycles. Consideration of benefits from such a nested approach by means of fluidity and dual control. |
Kenneth Tingey, PhD |
2016-07-09 |
health & performance |
Breaking Through the Iron Cage. The Knowledge Problem Must be Resolved |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/end-of-era-03.pdf |
Kenneth Tingey, PhD |
2016-07-18 |
health & performance |
Polentry: Policy the Polish Way. Leveraging Polish Fluidity Tradition with Dual Control
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/Polentry-Policy-Polish-Way-02.pdf |
Kenneth Tingey, Miroslaw Manicki, and Larry Farnes |
2016-07-24 |
health & performance |
2020 Program for Global Health: Economic Development Tiers. Graphical representation of the progress of developments from elimination of disease conditions to optimum performance living, ability identification and enhancement, and improved governance and social outcomes. |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/market-extension-03.pdf |
2020 Global Health Team |
2016-09-19 |
health & performance |
Dual Control, Trust & the Internet of Things |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/Dual Control-Trust-02.pdf |
2020 Global Health Team/Profundities LLC |
2016-09-24 |
health & performance |
Why Dual Control, Fluidity, and the Triangle of Trust Matter |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/what-happening-09.pdf |
Kenneth Tingey, PhD |
2016-10-11 |
health & performance |
Operationalizing the Theory of Everything
The Five Families of Cycles |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/The-Five-Families-of-Cycles-26.pdf |
Kenneth Tingey and Miroslaw Manicki |
2016-11-15 |
health & performance |
Selected Historical Examples of Effective Multilevel Governance. Legitimacy through dual control in the Middle East |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/Selected-Examples-of-Effective-Multilevel-Governance-in-History-07.pdf |
Kenneth Tingey, PhD |
2016-11-22 |
health & performance |
Stability and R-E-S-P-E-C-T: Governing Through Partnership in Society’s Empire |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/Stability-and-R-E-S-P-E-C-T-14.pdf |
Kenneth Tingey, PhD |
2017-01-06 |
health & performance |
Mother Russia: Earth’s Puzzle. Realization of Greece’s Polity Formula |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/Mother-Russia-33.pdf |
Kenneth Tingey and Miroslaw Manicki |
2017-01-12 |
health & performance |
Identifying and Empowering The Various Poleis of Health. Leveraging the Polish Experience |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/poleis-of-health-03.pdf |
Miroslaw Manicki, MD, MPH – Kenneth B. Tingey, PhD, MBA, MPIA |
2017-02-07 |
health & performance |
Policy Brief: Comprehensive Model for Maximizing Employment Outcomes (CAMEO)
The 2020 Program supports a parallel effort in occupational practice called the Comprehensive Model for Maximizing Employment Outcomes, or “CAMEO”. |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/CAMEO_Policy_Brief-01.pdf |
2020 Global Health Team |
2017-02-15 |
health & performance |
Don’t Cry for Me, Venezuela: OPL and the OBOR Economy |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/DontCryForMeVenezuela-05.pdf |
Kenneth Tingey and Miroslaw Manicki |
2017-04-18 |
health & performance |
Push Me -- Pull You: Living Systems from Cells to the Supranational |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/Push-Me-Pull-You-44.pdf |
Kenneth Tingey and Miroslaw Manicki |
2017-06-16 |
health & performance |
Dual Control vs. the Administrative State: Process Over Prerogative in California Health |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/dc-vs-admin-state-06.pdf |
Kenneth Tingey and Miroslaw Manicki |
2017-06-16 |
health & performance |
Presentation: Dual Control, the Missing Legacy
Combining knowledge with authority to overcome prerogatives of the administrative state. This is the answer to the social, political, and economic quandary of our times. |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/missing-legacy-04.pdf |
Kenneth Tingey, PhD, MBA |
2017-06-24 |
health & performance |
The Second Great Polish Transformation of Our Time Capitation saves the nation |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/The-Second-Great-Polish-Transformation-04.pdf |
Miroslaw Manicki, Kenneth Tingey |
2017-06-26 |
health & performance |
The Real War: Process vs. Prerogative: The Peloponnesian War of Our Times |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/The-Real-War-04.pdf |
Kenneth Tingey, PhD, MBA |
2017-06-30 |
health & performance |
Creation of the BWA Financial Infrastructure
Technology and system capable of supporting fluidity and dual control in global governance and finance |
Miroslaw Manicki, Kenneth Tingey |
2017-08-17 |
health & performance |
Summary of 2020 Program documentation in fundamental public-private health services, multilevel governance, refugee and rural populations, and ‘hub-and-spoke’ approaches, and regional cooperation and development efforts. There has been parallel activity in terms of science and information technology. |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/miroslaw-ec-01.pdf |
2020 Global Health Team |
2018-01-01 |
health & performance |
Completion of 2020 Program Posters: No Other Way (NOW) for display, with the idea of using them in a gallery environment in large format for educational and promotional purposes |
https://2020globalhealth.com/collaboration/posters |
2020 Global Health Team |
2018-08-04 |
health & performance |
From Peasantry to Pleasantry. Winning the Post-Post-Modern Semantic Fight for Consumption and Peace |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/peasantry-pleasantry-30.pdf |
Kenneth Tingey, PhD, MBA, Master of Pacific International Affairs |
2018-08-18 |
health & performance |
King Corruption vs The Conceptual Heartland: Society(n), the EU Acquis Communautaire, and a Sound Conceptual Border Environment |
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1725690861/ |
Kenneth Tingey, Miroslaw Manicki, Neshad Asllani, Laura Tingey |
2018-12-31 |
health & performance |
Contacts with European Health System and Political Leadership, 2013-2018 |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/eu-responses-02.pdf |
2020 Global Health Team |
2019-01-15 |
health & performance |
2020 Vision for Global Health, E-Cascade and Governance: Seeing the Future. An update of the 2020 Program for Global Health Policy Brief |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/2020_Policy_Brief-14.pdf |
2020 Global Health Team |
2019-09-02 |
health & performance |
People-Driven Resolution Cooperative Planning and Doing: The Solution for Times of Recession |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/people-resolution-12.pdf |
Kenneth Tingey and Miroslaw Manicki |
2019-10-09 |
health & performance |
May the Forces Be with You. Improved governance by unmasking and employing hidden variables |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/may-the-forces-be-with-you-26.pdf |
Kenneth Tingey, PhD, Miroslaw Manicki, MD |
2019-11-01 |
health & performance |
Zoonotic transfers an example of risks to society from interface with the natural world |
https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-00584-8#ref-CR3 |
University of California, University of Arizona, et al. |
2020-01-10 |
health & performance |
Permanescence and the Trees of Life. Enlist governance forms of arboriculture and forestry to combine knowledge and authority |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/permanescense-trees-of-life-06.pdf |
Kenneth Tingey, PhD, Miroslaw Manicki, MD |
2020-02-01 |
health & performance |
Early response to Covid-19 pandemic. Making Governance Easier. There is policy and then there is nature. Only one of those is malleable. |
https://documents.2020globalhealth.com/docs/easier-governance-01.pdf |
2020 Global Health Team |
2020-04-01 |
health & performance |
Deepened understanding and concern for public health limitations made obvious by the Covid-19 pandemic |
https://ourworldindata.org/policy-responses-covid |
Worldwide policy and thought leaders |
2020-06-01 |
health & performance |
Instigation of the US Covid-19 mNRA vaccine moonshot program |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_COVID-19_vaccine_development |
U.S. Executive Branch |
2020-10-01 |
health & performance |
Improvement in testing procedures and resources, at least with respect to Covid-19 |
Public and private health parties |
2021-01-01 |
leveraging human knowledge |
2020 publications on Medium |
https://medium.com/@ken-tingey |
2020 Global Health Team |
2021-04-01 |
health & performance |
Unprecedented rollout of various new vaccines worldwide under difficult political, economic, and social conditions |
https://tinyurl.com/ymbwbsex |
Kenneth Tingey and Miroslaw Manicki |
2021-05-01 |
health & performance |
Obvious problem of disinformation and lack of authoritative context on the Internet and in other communications |
https://tinyurl.com/4tsf9m84 |
Mostly individuals and thought networks, with some rogue state supports |
2021-07-04 |
health & performance |
Declaration of vaccination success in the United States, but far short of levels necessary to provide general immunity in the populace. Two billion vaccinations had been given worldwide |
https://tinyurl.com/6jvnrhux |
U.S. Executive Branch |
2021-10-01 |
health & performance |
Rise of Omicron variant of the coronavirus in South Africa, a country with notably low vaccination rates. Adequate immunity provided by existing vaccines with ongoing booster shots. Four billion shots had been administered worldwide by mid-November. |
All global health parties |
2021-12-07 |
leveraging human knowledge |
DARPA launches AI Program (ASKEM) to advance scientific knowledge extracting, modeling, further rejecting expert-based design |
http//executivegov.com/2021/12/darpa-launches-ai-program-to-advance-scientific-knowldge-extracting-modeling/ |
DARPA and ASKEM Program |
2022-02-15 |
health & performance |
Success in areas where the primary vaccines were available |
otherwise challenges with the Omicron virus in particular. About five billion shots had been administered worldwide by the end of February. |
All global health parties |
2022-03-23 |
opl opportunities |
Ongoing questions as to how to better prepare the people for future epidemiological events, provide for better individual health, and improve public health programs generally |
Public policymakers |
2022-03-23 |
opl opportunities |
Ongoing questions as to how to support and adjudicate social media communications in social, political, and economic ways. Particular concern exists for how knowledge-based activities and phenomena can be introduced and supported among the populace. |
https://www.foreignaffairs.com/issues/2022/101/1 |
Public policymakers |
2023-04-13 |
leveraging human knowledge |
White House AI Accountability Policy Request for Comment |
https//www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/04/13/2023-07776/ai-accountability-policy-request-for-comment |
U.S. White House, National Telecommunications and Information Agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce |
2023-06-12 |
leveraging human knowledge |
Response to White House Request for Comment in support of expert design of online digital process as a baseline or all use |
https://www.regulations.gov/search/comment?filter=NTIA-2023-0005-0695 |
Profundities LLC |
2024-01-01 |
opl opportunities |
Information in tree-based cloud |
CIMH Global and related parties |
2024-05-01 |
opl opportunities |
Educate and assist experts in system design |
CIMH Global and related parties |
2025-01-01 |
opl opportunities |
Achieve “fluid” knowledge |
CIMH Global and related parties |
2024-10-01 |
opl opportunities |
Partner with country or countries with experience in large-scale personal medicine testing and evaluation to achieve objectives of connectedness, mobility, and sustainability |
Sponsoring country or countries, CIMH team |
2025-07-15 |
opl opportunities |
1. Establish primary intellectual property models based on FRAND principles [TTIP] (MET) |
CIMH Global, national partners, Andrews Kurth (Houston USA/Mark Thurber), SMRI/counsel |
2025-10-01 |
opl opportunities |
5. Put basic health data interpretive model into trees [TTDC] (MET) |
Team of approximately six physicians based on LL Weed questionnaire |
2025-10-01 |
opl opportunities |
9. Install and implement mass spectrometry system [TTMSS] (BoB) |
Thermo Scientific, other testing vendors, Spendlove Medical Research Institute, proteomics community |
2025-10-01 |
opl opportunities |
11. Assess and implement technologies for measurement of strength and mobility [TFSM] (MET/DEV) |
Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) technology research organizations in the US, Russia and elsewhere, 3D sensing organization(s), Polhemus Corporation, Larry Farnes |
2025-10-01 |
opl opportunities |
14. Design and bring forth functional foods for 20 integrative medicine conditions [TTFF] (MET) |
OPL foods company, Steve Lee and appropriate staff |
2025-10-01 |
opl opportunities |
15. Develop nutritional/cuisine models and programs for high-risk persons [TTNCM] (MET) |
OPL foods company, Steve Lee and appropriate staff, vendors (Christopher for cuisine?) |
2025-10-01 |
opl opportunities |
18. Establish sustainable development and OPL branding programs for partner enterprises [TTSCD] (MET) |
Industry-centered economic development organizations (emphasis on integrative health and medicine), sustainability support organizations, business education organizations |
2026-01-01 |
opl opportunities |
12. High Volume Testing and Service Center (HVTSC) design [CIMHVTSC] (MET) |
Larry Farnes, architectural firms, other professionals as needed |
2026-01-01 |
opl opportunities |
17. Provide OPL service for 10,000 individuals as presumptive/ research protocols based on 5-16 [OPLRES] (MET) |
Collaborators in all listed projects |
2026-01-01 |
opl opportunities |
19. Construct first High Volume Testing and Service Center (HVTSC [TTFC] (BoB) |
Ministry of health in target countries, Providers in the country with a vested interest in the program, Private banks (Erste Bank), Partners in related industries |
2026-05-01 |
opl opportunities |
6. Convert integrative medicine protocols to trees [TTMED] (MET) |
20 integrative medicine authors selected from the Rakel text |
2026-06-01 |
opl opportunities |
10. Evaluate technologies for genomic sequencing [TTETGS] (MET/DEV) |
SNPs, Spendlove Medical Research Institute advisement |
2026-10-01 |
opl opportunities |
8. Install and implement basic blood chemistry/ immunoassay system [TTBCIS] (BoB) |
Beckman Coulter, Abbot,
Roche, Quansys Biosciences/SMRI |