What is Fluidity Training In Governance?

Progress in fluidity can begin immediately. Everything changes when the barrier between human knowledge, communication, and technology is eliminated. Such changes filter down the hierarchy of organizations and across the breadth of social networks. This allows for the merger of the two. Indeed, the biggest problem face by society is that knowledge and authority do not coexist well. This is largely due to the barrier -- which has both social and technological roots.

There are three available Governance Packages. These are for preparation of staff at all levels -- providing guidance, methods, and tools for planning and implementation of integrated Planning, Service Level Providing, and Evaluation of health and well-being programs that integration knowledge and authority. Only in such a was can public and private health commitments of governments and institutions rise to a level of performance that minimizes the burdens and costs of diseases and allows for Optimum Performance Living "OPL" for the people in general.

Typical enrollment can be made by signing up with the webinar. Group purchases and institutional discounts and arrangements can be obtained by contacting Institutional Support.

Fluidity Courses are given in a weekly rotation. Weekly sessions begin with a one-hour live web discussion, which is followed by access to resources and assignments in the subject for a week. Individual coaching is available using web-based tools for the week. Courses are at least a month in length -- some of them more.

Each class includes evaluative tools. With the successful completion of each course by means of the evaluative scores, a certification certificate will be awarded to the student.